As background on the mysterious liquid that gives her powers, Stop trying to make me happy you’re not Bud light Lime shirt. I considered making the story revolve around supernatural feats mentioned in the Bible. The power to control light would be from Joshua’s long day (where the sun stood still in the sky during a battle). And other heroes referenced would be similarly biblically based, like someone with super strength as long as their hair wasn’t cut, different powers to call in plagues (and implying that Moses took more than one of these potions that gave him multiple powers simultaneously), Ezekial’s chariot of fire… That sort of thing.
Eventually, I decided that I didn’t want to limit myself to powers that are explicitly mentioned in the Bible for other characters. But that is the origin of her power: taking a millennia-old potion that was once used by Joshua to control the sun. Former theology student here; I’m curious. The biblical account has the sun stopping for a given period of time. Not the most… uh… useful, power, unless you are looking for an economic advantage or you don’t have night vision… Are you taking a different path with the light based powers? Awesome. You write very well (as always) and always manage to make me vanish into the story – very cool. I just wish I hadn’t read the synopsis on patreon since I now know a lot of what’s coming up