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Sometimes I can almost hear the clays laughing Shirt

Yeah, you had me suspicious at the mention of anomalies since Sometimes I can almost hear the clays laughing Shirt. SCP is the only thing I read nowadays lol but then as soon as you mentioned Extranormal Containment I was like “wait a sec”. I grew up when we really did look forward to Saturday afternoon matinees at our town movie theater.. where there would be the movie and a cartoon and the news and.. a serial that had been continued from the week before …usually a western!! well, you can, with your writing. I mean, you can insert in one of your big stories.. like a novel?

Can anybody explain Andrew Dice Clay to me?

every week another installment of a serial at the movies… it could run through the whole book, tie everything together yet not necessarily appear to (ie be subtle lol) and tweak psychological developments in the main body of the story. Thank you for the continuation and the heads up! I love corvids and recently became a fan of the SCP stuff on top of post-apocalypse and fantasy, so this story is ticking a lot of good boxes for me! Any time an author keeps me up past my bedtime is a good sign! The artifact part reminds me of people’s attempts to make something where nuclear waste is deposited in order to try and prevent future generations, in case of an apocalyptic event, from messing with radioactive materials which will continue to be dangerous for millennia.

Sometimes I can almost hear the clays laughing Shirt, ladies, v-neck t-shirt, tank top.

I don’t remember all the ideas which were listed, but it’s similar in a “don’t mess with this, it is dangerous and could kill everything and has no historical significance. Just move on” kind of way. I think you were already a good writer since it drew me into reading more of your stuff, but you’re getting much better! Hard work definitely pays off and tones the skillsets. From a metal rod comes a sharp and polished sword by lots of hammering and sanding. You’ve been hammering away at that keyboard and now your pen is mightier than such a sword. Oh, that sounds like a wonderful thing to look forward to! I’m sure you’ll do fine – some editing here and there and then BAM. Published novel. Wow, I can’t wait to learn more about the story and world behind it. Like what happened to the other Wardens? How do the crewmen fly like a flock of little crows? What are the Fey? And what else is out there? A good read I’m excited about the next installment!

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